BankPlus Version History

Bank was first released publicly in May 1994, as v8.0 for the Series 3. The program was originally written in 1988 for the Psion Organiser XP, modified for the LZ, and then the Series 3. Following positive feedback to the release of Bank, I started work on improving the program. Over the years, it has involved, and the program now bears little resemblance to the first release.
The following list contains information on the history of various releases…
Note: From v1.8, BankPlus for the Series 5 family and Revo family are combined into one product.
BankPlus for EPOC (inc. Series 5/5mx, Revo family)
- v1.8.012. Minor reported issues fixed: Change to Quicken format, added additional date check to new entry, defect fixed to correct skip in category screen if currency differs.
- v1.8.010. Confirmation added for clearing transfers. Fix and improvements for setups where account 1 has been deleted, Standing order month button fixed. Minor dialog changes.
- v1.8.007. Bugfix release: Category screen issue for 5mx fixed, Summary screen current balance problem fixed, problem with Revo Help fixed, Standing order space problem fixed.
- v1.8.005. Summary screen now always includes today’s balance. Graph and Category dates persistent. Tidy confirmation dialog improved.
- v1.8.004. Application now restarts after backup. New accounts now have icons. Minor dialog changes
- v1.8.002. Installation issues on Series 5 fixed, minor tweaks to startup.
- v1.8.000. Code optimised for Series 5, Revo and Series 7 families. Unification of code and features. Series 7 screen defects fixed. Icons, help files updated.
BankPlus for the Series 5/5mx
- v1.8 – See above
- v1.6.004F. Improved report layouts, added category date check, trapped escape screen refresh, graph settings made persistent, changes to account creation dialogs.
- v1.6.0F. Fixed edit issue in View, count<1 fixed in View. Other minor tweaks
- v1.5.019F. Problem
with exporting entries under certain conditions in the month of January fixed. - v1.5.018F. Added ‘Category’ report to list all category entries. All Category/December defect fixed, zero credit symbol defect fixed, ‘comma not allowed in categories’ trap added, minor dialog changes.
- v1.5.017F. Added “Import” option to import tab-delimited text files. Other minor code enhancements and dialog changes.
- v1.5.015F. Improved navigation in Find view, Category view changed to calendar month, Balance ‘jump to date’ range increased, added pgdown to Balance view, fixed defects with toolbar in Find/Archive, fixed debit display defect in Find ‘next a/c’. Other minor code enhancements and dialog changes.
- v1.5.014F. Changes to Activity report (defect fixed and “exclude transfer” option added), import from Series 3 with null category defect fixed, category menu layout changed. Minor changes to some dialogs and infoprints to improve consistency and to add more information. Date display added to Graph view.
- v1.5.013F. ‘All account’ Category option added to menu. Percentages added to Activity report. Delete Category button added. Standing Order delete refresh bug fixed. Summary Export ac16 bug fixed. Menu layout altered. Other minor fixes.
- v1.5.010F. Category screen speed improved. Escape from View screen modifier bug fixed, menu options in Category and Graph changed, main menu improved, plus other minor visual tweaks.
- v1.5.006F. Activity summary added, password dialog/logging improved, Diag report improved, graph flicker fixed, category dialog updated, ‘add’ button added to S/O screen, import for Series 3 family Archive import added, help file updated, other minor visual tweaks.
- v1.5.005F. Minor layout improvements.
- v1.5.004F. Improvements to Graph view (inc. Year option). Minor bugfixes: Capitalisation of filenames, ‘cleared’ date range, archive find date, archive filenames, archive count=0, BMOD subscript error, Graph Year bug and find in new a/c when acc=16.
- v1.5.000F. Directory selectors added, faster clearing, support for archiving of individual accounts, changes to menu layout. Improvements to View and Graph screens, archiving and password support. Bugfixes, including Std order >day 28.
- v1.4.006F. Log to text file option added. ‘Enhanced password’ now supports more screens. Small bug with Standing order checking fixed. Bug with ‘find in other accounts’ fixed. Some other minor tweaks.
- v1.4.005F. Contain a couple of very minor bugfixes, plus Y2K fix for Quicken export
- v1.4.002F. Previous releases of v1.4 had a problem with the improved “Find” routine.
- v1.4.000F. Small improvements to screen layout and changes to the program to allow for compatibility with other EPOC machines. Ability to ‘Find’ across multiple accounts added. Changes to Help file. Some minor bugs have been addressed.
- v1.3.01. The latest version contains improvements to the print routine, now displays the total balance on Categories display and has improved Standing Order handling. Bugfixes include: some Categories display issues; occasional missing file reported on CF disks; View screen lockup bug on current month; problem with converting to Yen. A problem with the first release (v1.3) has been identified which may cause some users to get a BDT error on startup. This has now been addressed.
- v1.3 – Sept 1999. Improvements to print routine. Total balance displayed on Categories display. Improved Standing Order handling. Bugfixes include: some Categories display issues; occasional missing file reported on CF disks; View screen lockup bug on current month; problem with converting to Yen.
- v1.08 – Jul 1999. Assorted minor bugs fixed, and enhancements to touch-screen functionality.
- v1.05 – Jun 1999. Several enhancements and fixes. Allows items to be found by amount and fix to an issue with viewing empty statements.
- v1.0 – Jan 1999. BankPlus for Series 5 finally released from beta. Touchscreen
calls now fully functioning. - v0.1 – Jul 97. BankPlus for Series 5 entered beta phase.
BankPlus for the Revo / Mako
- v1.8 – See above
- v1.2.004R. Improved report layouts, added category date check, trapped escape screen refresh, graph settings made persistent, improvements to graph layout, changes to account creation dialogs.
- v1.2.0R. Fixed edit issue in View, count<1 fixed in View, Archive screen tidy. Other minor tweaks
- v1.1.019R. Problem with exporting entries under certain conditions in the month of January fixed.
- v1.1.018R. Added ‘Category’ report to list all category entries. All Category/December defect fixed, zero credit symbol defect fixed, ‘comma not allowed in categories’ trap added, minor dialog changes.
- v1.1.017R. Added “Import” option to import tab-delimited text files. Icon and MBM rework. Other minor code enhancements and dialog changes.
- v1.1.015R. Improved navigation in Find view, Category view changed to calendar month, Balance ‘jump to date’ range increased, added pgdown to Balance view, fixed defects with toolbar in Find/Archive, added dialog to locate chr$(16) entry, fixed debit display defect in Find ‘next a/c’. Other minor code enhancements and dialog changes.
- v1.1.014R. Changes to Activity report (defect fixed and “exclude transfer” option added), import from Series 3 with null category defect fixed, category menu layout changed. Minor font changes to Summary screen, changes to some dialogs and infoprints to improve consistency and to add more information. Date display added to Graph view.
- v1.1.013R. ‘All account’ Category option added to menu. Percentages added to Activity report. Delete Category button added. Standing Order delete refresh bug fixed. Summary Export ac16 bug fixed. Menu layout altered. Other minor fixes.
- v1.1.010R. Category screen speed improved. Escape from View screen modifier bug fixed, menu options in Category and Graph changed, main menu improved, plus other minor visual tweaks.
- v1.1.006R. Activity summary added, password dialog/logging improved, Diag report improved, graph flicker fixed, category dialog updated, ‘add’ button added to S/O screen, import for Series 3 family Archive import added, help file updated, other minor visual tweaks.
- v1.1.005R. Minor layout improvements, Graph view sped up.
- v1.1.004R. Improvements to Graph view (inc. Year option). Minor bugfixes: Capitalisation of filenames, ‘cleared’ date range, archive find date, archive filenames, archive count=0, BMOD subscript error, Graph Year bug and find in new a/c when ACC=16.
- v1.1.000R. Directory selectors added, faster clearing, support for archiving of individual accounts, changes to menu layout. Improvements to View and Graph screens, archiving and password support. Bugfixes, including Std order >day 28.
- v1.0.011R. Log to text file option added. ‘Enhanced password’ now supports more screens. Small bug with Standing order checking fixed. Bug with ‘find in other accounts’ fixed. Some other minor tweaks and fixes to screen layout.
- v1.0.008R. A couple of very minor bugfixes, plus Y2K fix for Quicken export and some minor improvements to screen layout.
- v1.0.005R. Previous releases of v1.0.004R had a problem with the improved “Find” routine.
- v1.0.003R (Oct99). The beta release of the Revo version was released in October, with the first release version in November. All features in the current release of the Series 5 version have been implemented. Issues with touch screen and screen layout have now been addressed.
BankPlus for the Series 3a/3c/3mx
- v2.29 – Oct 2002. Minor bugfixes: create on new drive default fixed. Fix and improvements for setups where account 1 has been deleted.
- v2.28 – Oct 2001. Added “Import” option to import tab-delimited text files.
- v2.27 – Sep 2001. Added ‘page down’ to Balance screen, minor standing order defect fixed. Minor tidy of dialogs. Help updated.
- v2.25 – Jun 1999. Allows items to be found by amount and fix to an issue with viewing empty statements.
- v2.23 – Feb 1999. Minor bugs fixed, cosmetic changes and enhancements to some displays.
- v2.22 – May 98. Small speed enhancements and improved error reporting.
- v2.21 – Oct 97. Interim release including bugfixes and speed enhancements.
- v2.2 – May 97. Now allows for 16 accounts and 30 categories. Faster operation, more export options, enhanced password protection, several other tweaks.
- v2.1.1 – March 97. Quicker screen updates (esp. View), three month graph view, several speedups, fixes and tweaks.
v2.1 – Oct 96. Quicker standing order processing (checked every 5 days instead of daily), new Archive function, graph of monthly transactions, Categories allow all accounts to be viewed, currency converter easier to use.
- v2.0 – Aug 96. Several new features added, including currency converter,
ability to pay standing orders up to six months ahead, category totals, basic
Quicken export, improved international format handling. New file structure
introduced. INI file no longer used. BANK.SET now used for master settings. Many other tweaks and enhancements.
- v1.3.2 – June 96. Fixes to export, plus limited Quicken export.
- v1.3.1 – May 96. Improved help file, an expanded export option, and some other minor changes.
- v1.3.0 – March. v1.2.6 with bugfixes & minor changes.
- v1.2.3 – Feb 96. Included “categories” for recording transaction types. Changes to file structure & routine to convert files to new format.
- v1.2.1 – Nov 95. Global Balances option added, plus minor tweaks.
- v1.2 – Sept 95. Provision for multi-currency accounts and non-UK formats.
- v1.1 – July 95. Visual changes, increase from 5 to 8 accounts, help in a separate file, change of menus, improved error checking.
- v1.01 – April 95. Better handling of account setup, plus selectable months for standing orders (i.e. annual, quarterly orders).
- v1.0 – March 95.. Bank v8.3 transformed into first version of BankPlus. Bank still supported. Improved look and feel. Easier to install
BankPlus for the Siena
- v1.17s – Jan 2000. Added “Import” option to import tab-delimited text files.
v1.16s – May 1999. Minor bugs fixed.
- v1.15s – Apr 1999. Minor bugs fixed, cosmetic changes and enhancements to some displays.
- v1.1s – May 97. Now allows for 16 accounts and 30 categories. Faster operation, more export options, enhanced password protection, several other tweaks.
- v1.0.05s – Dec 96. Minor changes to Quicken export.
- v1.0s – Oct 96.. Siena version released from beta.